GB2RS Broadcasts
in the Bristol Area on

9:00am on 3.650MHz LSB (80 metre band)

I am managing an 80m group
with Sean, G7NJX in Sandford, and Jon G6UWK in Manningtree,
and read roughly every third week.
Bristol coverage is not good, but I can be heard further away,
in most of Wales, the Midlands and East Anglia

9:30am on 70cm over
GB3ZB, 430.825MHz
GB3FI, 430.925MHz.

Disable tone squelch (77Hz).

(I alternate with Sean G7NJX)
The GB3ZB repeater covers Bristol and South Wales well, with reception
also possible up the Vale of Severn and East into Wiltshire.
Antenna changes made to reduce interference to reception have altered the
transmitted signal. The receive is now good
but the repeater is weaker in some areas
and there are some black spots in the coverage.
GB3FI has good coverage south of the Mendip Hills
and additional coverage to some parts of South Wales.

10:30am on 145.525MHz, 2m.
from central Bristol.
(50w omnidirectional)

For a full schedule visit...
The RSGB Website
and follow the link from 'GB2RS News'.

Rota1              Rota2

The recordings must not be re-broadcast.

1st June 2024

I have edited this text and cleared out broadcasts made before 2024.
Old files have been removed from the web server and
old comments have been deleted from this page.

Now that GB3ZB and GB3FI are linked (via the internet) the GB2RS broadcast will be well received south of the Mendip Hills. This year (2024) the land line connections, that were never very reliable, have been replaced by 4G (mobile data) connections. Matt G4RKY has put a lot of work and new routers into the system, which is working well.

The broadcasts are themselves recordings. They make life much easier when I have to manage three sessions. In my shack they are played back, from an old netbook that is used for little else, via an isolating transformer and level control, into the microphone socket of my transceiver. (VOX takes care of the PTT.) On 2m the broadcast is usually started automatically.

On 80m I usually monitor myself via a web SDR. There is a second or so of latency in the system. It gives me a very good idea of how my signal is getting out and sometimes it enables me to copy stations calling me who are below my high local noise level.

The linking system for the GB3ZB and GB3FI repeaters proved problematic for the GB2RS news broadcasts. Following various experimental configurations and both hardware and software updates, reliability has been achieved by uploading the same file to each repeater. The repeaters now transmit the audio in virtually perfect synchronisation unless one is delayed by a user's transmission tht runs on past 9:30am. Sometimes (rarely) I find time to edit the file for my 2m broadcast by removing local news items relating to clubs south of the Mendip Hills.

I am still (2024) not fully over shingles. There is still continuous mild pain, but my sight, which I was afraid would be permanently damaged, has recovered.

28th. July 2019. With the hot weather my regular non-noise interference just LF of the news frequency of 3.650MHz drifts HF and becomes a real nuisance. My phasing qrm reducer works a treat on this sort of signal and I made a recording this morning that demonstrates just how good it is.

My contact is with G8CKK running about 100W and about 5 miles away. The heterodyne interference appears when I switch my phaser off ( It attenuates all signals by 20dB and you can hear the noise rise (25 sec. in) as the slow AGC brings up the receiver gain when I switch it off. Click the link below to have a listen.

Amateur radio has become increasing frustrating at low frequencies, the level of interference, 'noise', has increased enormously. To get some idea of the problem in central Bristol listen to the short recording made by G0JPS who is about two miles away from me. I always use 100w to broadcast the news. G0JPS uses 5W. On this occasion 27 May 2018, I could not hear him. You can hear how well he received me (!) on 80m. (3.650MHz) by clicking the link below. The file format is .wav. Compression does funny things to noise. I am having to do more broadcasts at 9:00am on 80m. Its a good thing that, as a broadcaster, I don't have to receive.

This page is now encoded in HTML5. Up to date browsers should play the audio files automatically. Clicking the link downloads the file. If it does not play at once you should open it in a media player.

G4TRN on 2m 6th. October 2024
G4TRN on 2m 29th. September 2024
G4TRN on 2m 22nd. September 2024
G4TRN on 2m 15th. September 2024
G4TRN on 2m 8th. September 2024
G4TRN on 2m 1st. September 2024
G4TRN on 2m 25th. August 2024
G4TRN on 2m 18th. August 2024
G4TRN on 2m 11th. August 2024
G4TRN on 2m 4th. August 2024
G4TRN on 2m 28th. July 2024
G4TRN on 2m 21st. July 2024
G4TRN on 2m 14th. July 2024
My Cat, Jess, on GB2RS, 14th. July 2024
G4TRN on 2m 7th. July 2024
G4TRN on 2m 30th. June 2024
G4TRN on 2m 23rd. June 2024
G4TRN over GB3ZB & GB3FI 16th. June 2024
G4TRN on 2m 9th. June 2024
G4TRN on 2m 2nd. June 2024
G4TRN on 2m 26th. May 2024
G4TRN on 2m 19th. May 2024
G4TRN on 2m 12th. May 2024
G4TRN on 2m 5th. May 2024
G4TRN on 2m 28th. April 2024
G4TRN on 2m 21st. April 2024
G4TRN on 2m 14th. April 2024
G4TRN on 2m 7th. April 2024
G4TRN over GB3ZB & GB3FI 31st. March 2024
G4TRN on 2m 24th. March 2024
G4TRN on 2m 17th. March 2024
G4TRN on 2m 10th. March 2024
G4TRN on 2m 3rd. March 2024
G4TRN on 2m 25th. February 2024
G4TRN on 2m 18th. February 2024
G4TRN on 2m 11th. February 2024
G4TRN on 2m 4th. February 2024
G4TRN on 2m 28th. January 2024
G4TRN over GB3ZB & GB3FI 21st. January 2024
G4TRN on 2m 14th. January 2024
G4TRN over GB3ZB & GB3FI 7th. January 2024

John Everingham. G4TRN


email:- g4trn(at)


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© John Everingham